An IRA custodian is a financial institution that is authorized by the IRS to provide custodial services and store assets on behalf of IRA owners.. According to IRS rules, an IRA must have a custodian bank, which can be a bank, a mutual fund company, or a brokerage firm. The IRS requires that your IRA has a custodian bank.. It is the responsibility of the custodian bank to execute the investment decisions made by the IRA owner and to ensure that all investment inquiries and account activities are carried out in accordance with regulatory requirements set by the IRA..
Technically speaking, any IRA where you make all investment decisions is “self-directed.”. In the financial services industry, however, a self-directed IRA usually means an IRA in which the custodian allows you to invest outside the more traditional world of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs).. Unless you’re familiar with a robo-advisor, the availability of knowledgeable specialists to answer your questions online or over the phone is very important.. Nothing is more frustrating (especially if you’re managing a self-directed IRA) than getting incomplete or confusing answers to your questions.
When opening an IRA, it’s important to ask yourself a few questions before choosing a custodian. Do you prefer a traditional account or a Roth account? Or both? Do you enjoy investing in CDs, mutual funds, stocks, and bonds, or are you longing for the more adventurous options that a self-directed IRA offers?. An individual retirement account (IRA) offers investors certain retirement savings tax benefits. Common examples of IRAs include the traditional IRA, the Roth IRA, the Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) IRA, and the Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees (SIMPLE) IRA.
All IRA accounts are managed by custodian banks for investors. Custodian managers may include banks, trust companies, or any other entity approved by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as an IRA custodian. Most IRA custodian banks limit IRA account holdings to company-approved stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and CDs. In general, however, banks don’t get particularly high marks for IRAs, as most don’t offer many investment options outside of the instruments mentioned above..
There are a number of ways fraudsters can try to use self-directed IRAs to defraud unsuspecting investors.. Self-managed IRA custodian banks are considered direct custodian banks and therefore do not offer investment advice. You need a custodian that is aware of the types of holdings that the IRS prohibits, including for self-governing IRAs such as collectibles and alcoholic beverages. A diversified investment portfolio with the right selection of individual stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and ETFs can help reduce the risk of an IRA or any account.
However, since other custodial managers can be used, it is far too easy to break IRS rules and tax regulations, which are subject to severe penalties.. The SEC’s Office of Investor Education and Advocacy is publishing this Investor Alert to warn investors about risks associated with self-directed individual retirement accounts (self-directed IRAs).. When it comes to custodian managers for self-governing IRAs, in theory, all of the above institutions could serve. If you already have multiple IRA accounts, some experts recommend that you consolidate them into a single account and portfolio management whenever possible..
Managing IRAs can be complex and frustrating, and there’s nothing worse than dealing with poor customer service. The facilitators put themselves at the forefront of the process for an IRA owner’s new account and help them become familiar with the rules and implementation.. A bank is an option if you want to enjoy the FDIC-insured security of CDs or money market funds within an IRA. The two main types of IRA accounts set up by individual investors are the traditional IRA and the Roth IRA..
Once the right IRA and investments have been selected, the most important factors that differentiate one custodian from another include investment options, fees, and customer service. Even without making a commitment to investing, you should be able to search the custodian’s online website extensively enough to see if it’s right for you. All self-governing IRA custodian banks are legally prohibited from offering investment advice or recommendations to their clients.